יום שלישי, 7 בפברואר 2012

איך פגשתי את אמא עונה 7 פרק 15

איך פגשתי את אמא עונה 7 פרק 15

Season seven opens to find Barney getting ready for his wedding with a yet unknown bride. Barney and Ted reminisce about Punchy's wedding, and Lily and Marshall reveal that they are having a child together. Marshall gets a job at the environmental law firm, Honeywell & Cootes. Barney proves to Nora that he can be a good boyfriend to her, and Robin regains feelings for Barney. Barney is forced to wear Marshall's ducky tie for a whole year after losing a bet with Lily that he can do a chef's job at Shinjitsu. Ted meanwhile runs into Victoria again, and feels guilty for almost cheating on her with Robin six years ago. However it emerges that Victoria cheated on him herself in Germany, and that she is about to get engaged to the guy she met there. After a fight, the two share a kiss but Victoria decides to remain with her boyfriend. Upon leaving, inspired by the fact she just kissed Ted because of sentiment towards him, she warns Ted that Robin will similarly eclipse any successive relationship he and Barney try to have.
Robin takes court-mandated therapy (for assaulting a woman), until her therapist Kevin (Kal Penn) lies to her, telling her that he is moving to Alaska. However, shortly after Robin runs into him at a restaurant. He confesses that he lied to her because he finds her attractive and therefore cannot be her therapist anymore. They start to date, after some initial awkwardness. Marshall and Lily learn that their baby will be a boy. Ted finally meets "The Slutty Pumpkin" portrayed by Katie Holmes, however they have the worst romance ever and break up soon after. Robin finds out from Barney's father that he is one-quarter Canadian, Barney is shocked by this fact, and tries to prove that he is a true American by wearing Rocky's Americana boxing trunks for Halloween. Barney quickly tires of wearing the ducky tie, but becomes desperate to take it off when he is due to meet Nora's parents for the first time. In the end, a compromise is reached... Barney can take off the tie if he has three slaps added to the one slap he has remaining from the slap bet. Barney agrees, and Marshall delivers two of the slaps immediately, leaving him with two remaining.
It is revealed that Marshall and Lily conceived their child in Barney's bathroom during Hurricane Irene and also that Robin and Barney almost kissed a day after that but were interrupted by a call from Robin's father. While reminiscing about this, they end up kissing in a cab and sleeping together. Barney and Robin both realize what they've done and decide to tell Nora and Kevin. Things take an unexpected turn, however, since Barney ends up breaking up with Nora for Robin. Robin decides to stay with Kevin. Marshall and Lily decide they want to move to Long Island.
Robin's period is late, making her believe she is pregnant and (as she had not yet slept with Kevin) Barney is the father. Both Barney and Robin are worried at this news, as neither of them want children at the present time. Going to the doctor, Robin learns that she is not pregnant. However, her happiness is cut short when she learns that she cannot have children, which leaves her devastated.
On New Year's day, Marshall tailgates at his father's grave to keep a tradition alive and tells him the stories of what the gang did over New Year's Eve: Ted and Barney started their own bar; Robin was pressed into service when Sandy got too drunk to be on the air - something that would turn out to be an important moment in her career - and Lily was upset by her father dealing with the news of her pregnancy like usual: ignoring it. However, she is surprised when she later finds him right at her front door, wanting to be there for his daughter and his grandchild.
As Lily's father overstays his welcome at Lily and Marshall's new home, they decide to kick him out, only to realize that he should stay after the three work together to fix a blown fuse. The gang also attempts to find replacements for their fallen two but come across what turns into a terrible night when they run into Lily's doppelganger again.

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